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Beach at Sunset

Sand replenishment, sand retention, nature-based solution, and Coastal Erosion.

Sand replenishment, sand retention, nature-based solutions, and coastal erosion requires a multi-modal approach. Sand replenishment/nourishment is needed on our beaches since we are a beach community. The City of San Clemente has had sand nourishment projects that unfortunately washed away as a result of storms. Without sand retention measures in place, there is nothing to maintain sand on our beaches. Currently, the United States Army Corp of Engineers, USACE, placed approximately 125,000 cubic yards of sand from T-Street to Linda Lane. There is a third party that is taking photos and daily measurements of how much sand remains on our beaches from T-Street to Linda Lane. This was a requirement to monitor how much sand remains. They are studying the effectiveness the sand replenishment project. I support Nature-based solutions were applicable. According to Executive Director, Dr. Huckelbridge of the California Coastal Commission, she opined about nature-based solutions . She stated “I think in some of these very hot spot area, it’s probably not realistic to expect that a nature based solution would hold up all by itself, and so we understand the need for kind of a multi component..” I am supportive of working collaboratively with major stakeholders for funding sources to bring sand to our beaches such as: the OCTA, our representatives, the California Coastal Commission, USACE, and others. By working together, we can find short and long-term funding sources for sand replenishment projects. I support the Coastal Advisor of San Clemente to write grants and apply for them such as the $1.5 million dollars that was awarded by the Coastal Commission on July 10, 2024. OCTA Director Foley stated "The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) applied for more than $460 million in combined grant requests from various federal agencies for coastal rail resilience in FY 2023-2024. Anywhere from $70-$145 million of these dollars will directly aid San Clemente's sand nourishment efforts at no additional cost to the City's residents." I am supportive of sand replenishment project such as the Sand Compatibility and Opportunistic Use Program (SCOUP) to bring sand to our beaches such as the North Beach Sand replenishment project that brought up to 50,000 cubic yards of sand. I am supportive of sand replenishment measures such as emergent breakwaters that will not have a negative impact to our surf since we are a surf town. I am concerned about emergent breakwaters that would negatively impact whale migration and the fishing industry. I support sand retention measures that include Nature-Based solutions like the planting of native plants that help to restore sand on our beaches. I support Environmental Impact Reports that protect the environment and that we abide by State and Federal guidelines under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Currently there are three ongoing studies by: OC Parks, OCTA, and the City of San Clemente. 1) OC Parks are working on the South Orange County Regional Coastal Resilience Strategic Plan to work on a collaboration of major stakeholders to come up with a plan for the 8-mile stretch of coastline from Dana Point to San Clemente. The plan addresses coastal erosion, sand replenishment, sand retention measures including nature based solutions, and the effects of urbanization. Urbanization of land in Orange County by building over of creeks, watersheds, and tributaries for decades has caused a major impact to sand nourishment. These riparian systems once sustained and replenished sand to our local beaches. The natural flow has stopped and/or rerouted the natural flow of sand and sediment causing a sand deficit. In response to the South Orange County Regional Coastal Resilience Strategic Plan, I completed the public survey and submitted an additional public comment on April 2024 (21 pgs.) 2) The OCTA’s Coastal Rail Resiliency Study (CRRS) is evaluating strategies to protect the railroad for the next 30 years. The OCTA wants to ensure rail operations of passenger and freight while implementing sand replenishment. OCTA is studying the environmental impacts on our shoreline and issues with operations and maintenance of the LOSSAN Rail Corridor the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo Rail. I attended four OCTA Coastal Rail Resiliency Study listening sessions virtually and in public. I submitted public comments during the listening sessions and submitted written public comments. Written comment I also attended OCTA Board of Director’s meetings and the Regional Transportation Planning Committee on Coastal Rail Resiliency Study Updates and in public comment on August 29, 2024, May 13, 2024, April 8, 2024. Coastal and Marine Habitat CBO’s – Hybrid- Weds., March 20 –10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Video Residential Groups Weds., April 3 – 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Video Public #1 – Virtual Thurs., April 11 - 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Video View Q & A: PDF Public #2 – In-Person Thurs., May 30 – 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. San Clemente City Hall Audio: 3) The City of San Clemente has an ongoing Nature Based Coastal Resiliency Project Feasibility Study to address coastal erosion and to develop coastal resiliency solutions that will help to retain sand on our beaches. The city hired a consultant to design concepts that will help with nourish and retain sand on our beaches. The city will incorporate nature-based solutions like a living shoreline of planting native plants that will help to retain sand on our beaches. Coastal Erosion is a major problem since San Clemente’s land is made up of Capistrano Formation and Monterey Land formation, which is older. These land formations make our land unstable causing landslides such as at Colony Cove and at St Andrews Church. Our city has ancient landslides and ancient fault lines that make landslide prevalent in our town. Another major problem is the amount of ground water that seeps from our coastal bluffs on a continual basis. Heavy rainfalls have caused ground water to be stored on our bluffs causing landslides. For example, the storm of 1993 had a significant impact on Casa Romantica where it caused sink holes and one was at least 6 ft in depth. The storm caused problems with the city’s drains and our Coastal Canyons that destroyed the natural habitat. We have many landslides throughout the decades going back to the 1920’s. Many beaches are experiencing loss of sand, much of this loss is caused by development and construction along the Coast. The development of large-scale residential developments, infrastructure projects, and other programs have permanently affected the flow and movement of sand along California waterways, estuaries, creeks, and rivers. Not only has the source of sand deposits been affected, but the natural flora that worked to support and slow sand movements have been eliminated. This has negatively impacted the local wildlife that has relied on these waterways. I am concerned about sand replenishment measures such as emergent breakwaters that would negatively impact whale migration, the fishing industry, and the surf break. I support sand retention measures that include Nature-Based solutions like the planting of native plants that help to restore sand on our beaches. I support Environmental Impact Reports that protect the environment and that we abide by State and Federal guidelines under California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). I have attended all of the Nature Based Coastal Resiliency Study public meetings and provided public comments. I also submitted additional written public comments. I attended the following meetings: Nature-Based Coastal Project Feasibility Study Community Meeting #1 September 27, 2023 at 5:30-8:00 pm in the Council Chambers at San Clemente City Hall. Nature-Based Coastal Project Feasibility Study Community Meeting #2 February 29, 2024 at San Clemente City Hall. Nature-Based Coastal Project Feasibility Study Community Meeting #3 July 18, 2024 at the Coastal Advisory Committee meeting.

Public Safety

I am supportive of the vision and mission of the OCSD. Their vision is a “community where every person feels safe and valued.” As a Registered nurse, safety has been paramount. I have seen the dedication from OCSD in protecting our town in providing exceptional law enforcement and working together with the South Gang Enforcement Team for the betterment of our town.


Their core values resonate in having integrity without compromise and service above self. I have been supportive of increasing public safety measures such as adding private security as a supplement to OCSD. I spoke in support for the City of San Clemente in hiring private security to work in conjunction with OCSD to maintain public safety in areas of town. When their contract for private security terminated, Park Rangers have been assisting with maintaining safety and working with OCSD. I am supportive of the hiring of four deputies and only two were hired.


As a result of a shooting at Max Berg Plaza Park, Captain Tony Benfield, then Chief of San Clemente Police Services addressed safety issues such having a clear line of sight at Max Berg Park.  A sight line refers to the idea that a clear line of vision is not obstructed such that no area is unobserved within the space. Walls and bushes were removed to enhance visibility. Flock cameras were installed for security to detect license plates on automobiles. The City replaced lighting at Max Berg for security measures.


Captain Benfield held a Neighborhood Watch meeting where local residents attended. I attended the meeting and stated that people need to let their voices be heard. I spoke in support of reporting crimes as people witness them. This meeting was a very informative meeting with a thorough presentation by Captain Benfield and a Deputy of the South Gang Enforcement Team. The Deputy of the South Gang Enforcement indicated that there is one gang in San Clemente. He mentioned that during the summer months, gang activity increases. A recent stabbing at Max Berg Plaza Park, Deputies and the South Gang Enforcement Team were there and made arrests.  


In the past, I spearheaded a public safety effort to limit extended parking of RVs and vans at public parks and schools such as at Max Berg Park and Las Palmas Elementary School. People were camping in RVs for days to weeks. This was a public safety issue since people were going on to school grounds. My efforts were to maintain a safe environment. My goal was for changes in the RV ordinance and enforcement of the ordinances. I worked collaboratively with City staff, the School Principal, CUSD official and CUSD Trustees to maintain safety. I was honored to have been asked for my input in the RV Ordinance and making suggestions that led to changes in the ordinance.

As a result of the Buena Vista landslide, I reached out to city council members and city staff regarding the importance of having an emergency command system and a emergency command team in place. As a Registered Nurse, hospitals have an  Healthcare Emergency plans in place and have policies and procedures in place. They have routine mock drills for emergencies such as earthquakes, fires, major traffic collisions, and etc. It was great to hear that the City Manager and I had the same focus for safety. The City Manager has successfully addressed this and has reached nearly 80% of City staff are now Incident Command System trained.


I am supportive of our OCFA services in providing exceptional emergency care and supportive services. OCFA has a strong “commitment to preserving the quality of life.” As a Registered Nurse, I have admired and supportive of our First Responders. I have been supportive of the 4-0 and I value the importance of proper staffing to provide high quality patient care.

Fiscal Responsibility


Recently, I raised concerns about the San Clemente Budget and noticed some errors. I reviewed the two year Budget and found errors in the Executive Summary and in several calculation errors in the graphs, tables, and charts. One error in the Executive was a $1.1 million error regarding sand replenishment. My concerns resulted in the revision of the Executive Summary and my suggestions were implemented. Through my concerns, there was a reduction of Capital Improvement Projects that were not economically feasible or necessary. I advocated for reducing unnecessary spending for consultants that did not provide any work product. In 2023, I raised concerns regarding Capital Improvement Programs that were not economically feasible and were eliminated.


I have been either supporting or opposing local issues such as terminating consultant contracts that did not provide any work product. Wasteful spending needed to be addressed to reduce local government waste. Those contracts either terminated and were not renewed saving taxpayers’ money.

Currently, there is a ballot measure for a sales tax increase of 0.5% for sand replenishment/nourishment, sand retention, coastal erosion projects, and city improvements & maintenance for coastal access, beach trail, bridges, and improving lifeguard facilities. The concern is that these plans will require the approval of the California Coastal Commission and the United States Army Corp of Engineers, USACE. Without their approval, none of these plans will be go into effect. That means that collecting this specialized tax from anyone will accrue without actually using those taxes for sand replenishment/nourishment, sand retention measures, coastal erosion measures, nature-based solutions, and maintenance of the city's infrastructure.

Supervisor Foley submitted an opposition letter against a  sales tax and has urged the city council to work on solutions for financial solutions. She stated "The Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA) applied for more than $460 million in combined grant requests from various federal agencies for coastal rail resilience in FY 2023-2024. Anywhere from $70-$145 million of these dollars will directly aid San Clemente's sand nourishment efforts at no additional cost to the City's residents." Her letter also mentions that the Board of Supervisors approved a new Coastal Resilience Manager staff position to the Orange County Public Works budget. The new staff member is going to manage the Coastal Resilience Collaborative and will look and apply for grant funding opportunities for sand replenishment/nourishment measures.

We have representatives like Assemblywoman Laurie Davies, Assemblywoman Diane Dixon, Congressman Levin and major stakeholders all  in agreement that they want to help our town. Assemblywoman Davies sent letters of support for a waiver to place up to 50,000 cubic yards of sand on our beaches. The Coastal Commission approved a grant to the City of San Clemente for $1,500,000 to "complete a Sand Source Investigation in the coastal areas of South Orange County that would identify potential offshore sediment borrow sites and verify suitability of material to support the development of a regional scale, nature-based beach restoration program involving comprehensive beach sand replenishment and sand retention projects."  Additionally, Congressman Levin also secured $950,000 for the Poche Beach Water Reclamation Project. This funding is to protect beach water quality. The money will support the overflow or runoff from the Prima Deshecha watershed. Our representatives are looking for funding sources.

A major problem that has to be discussed is bluff stabilization of bluffs on our coast. The type of land is Capistrano formation which consists of clay, sand, and with layers of groundwater. Due to the Mariposa landslide in January 2024, it caused damage to the Mariposa Bridge and the beach trail repairs are being delayed since the ground is still active.  Additionally, there are concerns with ground water that continually seeps from the bluffs causing destabilization of the bluffs. This means that efforts of replacing the bridge or creating a beach trail may be delayed. Plans are unclear and funding is being  addressed by representatives.

Please view the video that was done in August titled "Why is the Beach Trail Bridge at Mariposa Point Closed?" City staff mentions the challenges of the Mariposa landslide.

Supporting Constitutional rights and Privacy Rights

I advocated for constitutional protections and privacy rights for individuals and especially for minors. I started advocating for constitutional rights and fighting for free speech rights that a person's voice needs to be heard and recognized. I have seen some changes in local politics where there have been attempts to erode our main core values that support the US Constitution and the California Constitution and  I support fundamental values of this republic. 


I have spoken about Free Speech rights when certain city council members wanted to change city policy to eliminate Oral Communication at the end of a city council meeting. The second Oral Communications Part 2 provides the opportunity for people, after work,  to submit their public comments. There was another attempt to decrease free speech rights of city council meetings on the dais, where council members would have to obtain permission from the Mayor to speak and not have a constitutionally protected right to speak. Fortunately, that did not happen after opposition by the community. 

Previously, I have spoke regarding First and Fourth Amendment violations that hundreds experienced at a TCA public forum on June 5, 2017. Additionally, I advocated for  protections for privacy rights for individuals and especially for minors. Hundreds of people were doxed on a webpage where their private identifying information was visible for all to view. As a result of a public outcry, redactions were done in about a week.


In August 2018, two San Clemente residents were silenced during public comment when the microphone was turned off for those who were streaming live. To this day, the video of the meeting is silent when two people are speaking. The volume resumed when a San Clemente resident indicated that microphone volume had been turned down. I was the other person who spoke at that meeting.  Following that meeting, I spoke about free speech violations at August 2018 meeting.

I have been a supporter of Privacy rights and protections in the California Constitution. In 2022, I reported infractions of doxing of personal identifying information of 22 residents and including a minor on the City's  webpage to the Office of the District Attorney due to efforts failed in requesting our city council, former city attorney, and former city manager to redact personal identifying information.. This took a couple of months of emailing our local representatives. Ultimately, a complaint to District Attorney's Office led to the redactions of personal identifying information. I am grateful to District Attorney Spitzer and the Special Enforcement Division who assisted with this issue.

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No toll road sign at the
Opposition of Toll Roads through San Clemente


On March 12, 2020 the Transportation Corridor Agencies, TCA, advanced three projects the expansion of Ortega Highway, the Los Patrones Parkway Extension as a untolled thoroughfare, and High Occupancy Vehicle lanes. This agreement finalized TCA involvement. According to the TCA, this does not preclude from partially funding this project.




The The Foothill/Eastern Transportation Corridor Agencies, known as the "TCA"  had Toll Road plans that would go through established communities, businesses, churches, schools, parks and recreation centers, mitigated lands and our open spaces. San Clemente residents heard the call to action to protect our Spanish Village by the Sea and fought back by speaking at the TCA Board of Directors meetings, San Clemente City Council meetings, and we went to other cities. We had meetings with OCTA representatives, Senator Pat Bates, and other representatives. We sent emails to the Senate Transportation Committee and other representatives.  We spoke about their destructive plans, for the TCA to pay down their bonds, Development Impact Fees, and etc...

I attended the following meetings in discussion of the Toll Roads, Toll Lanes, and Alternative 22 known as the Los Patrones Parkway Extension, LPPE:


(Meetings included- TCA, CUSD, and City Council meetings.)



March 9, 2017 meeting


Public comments:

April 13, 2017 minutes contained on page 24 of Agenda packet for May 11, 2017.


June 5, 2017 TCA public forum at Saddleback on Get Moving OC- Public Forum


June 7, 2017 minutes contained on page 33 of Agenda packet for August 10, 2017.

June 28, 2017 Capistrano Unified School District, CUSD. I spoke in opposition of the Toll Road.

Capistrano Unified School District - 2016-17 Meetings (

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August 10, 2017

Minutes contained in the on page 29 of the agenda packet for October 12, 2017.

Please note that the TCA included video recording of the TCA meetings.

Time frame 2:40:28       


Virtual meeting: December14, 2017


(Please note there were cancelled TCA meetings: January 12, July 13, September 14, and November 9, 2017.

No public comments from anyone: February 9, 2017 and March 9, 2017.)


Public Comments:


August 9, 2018 minutes contained on page 13 of Agenda packet for October 11, 2018

Video: Time frame of 4:05


October 8, 2018 minutes contained on page 15 of Agenda packet for December 13, 2018.

Video: Time frame of 6:04


Town Hall meeting on October 24, 2018 at the Community Center.


November 8, 2018 minutes contained on page 383 of Agenda packet for February 14, 2019.

Video: Time frame of 17:31

Virtual meeting for December 13, 2018


(Please note there were no public comments for the TCA meeting of December 13, 2018

Cancelled or no meetings: January 11, March, July 12, September13, and November 8, 2018.)




January 15, 2019 City of San Clemente city council meeting

Toll Road update

Time frame 48:35


Also on YouTube:

( TCA cancelled meetings: January 12, July 11, and September 12.)

January 24, 2019Capistrano Unified School District, CUSD, meeting

CUSD attorney, Mr. Barankiewicz spoke regarding Truck climbing lanes.


TCA Public comments

March 14, 2019

Minutes contained on page of

Time frame: 13:38



May 9, 2019

Minutes contained on page 22 of Agenda packet for June 13, 2019.

Time frame:  3:15


Also, on You tube


City of San Clemente Town Hall meeting on November 13, 2019

November 14, 2019

Minutes contained on page of the

Time frame 5:15


Nov 19, 2019


December 12, 2019

Minutes contained on page 13 of Agenda packet for January 9, 2020

Time frame: 4:02




January 9, 2020

Minutes are contained on page 14 of Agenda packet for February 13, 2020.

Video public comment

Time frame: 7:05


March 12, 2020

Minutes are contained on page 15 of Agenda packet for April 9, 2020.

Time frame: 33:40

April 9, 2020

Minute are on page 16 of Agenda packet for May 14, 2020

Time frame:

During COVID, the TCA clerk read our public comments.


September 10, 2020

Minutes are on page 11 of Agenda packet for October 8 ,2020

Time frame: 2:13:22 Public comment Continued Part 2

During COVID, the TCA clerk read our public comments.


County Planning Commission

December 9, 2020

Spoke against the Los Patrones Parkway Extension

December 15, 2020

City of San Clemente city council meeting

Time frame of 1:50:09.

Time frame: 7:08:30 on Agenda item 9B


February 16, 2021

City of San Clemente City Council meeting

Time frame: 1:50:09

March 7 and March 11,2021

Sent emails regarding rescinding LPPE off the MPAH and the General Plan Amendment.


March 16, 2021

City of San Clemente City Council meeting

Toll Road and LPPE

Time frame: 1:09:06 and 3;18:00

April 6, 2021

City of San Clemente City Council meeting

Time frame: 2:06:15

May 4, 2021

Agenda Item 9B.Initiation of General Plan Amendment for the Removal of the Los Patrones Parkway from the Roadway Map System. 

Agenda Item 9B continued

Email sent to council members on May 3 and May 4, 2021 to rescind the LPPE.

August 17, 2021

City of San Clemente City Council meeting

Time frame: 4:00

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Supported Legislation

Environment: AB 882 Assemblywoman Laurie Davies Coastal resources: State Coastal Conservancy: advance payments. (2023-2024) AB 966 Assemblywoman Laurie Davies Division of Boating and Waterways: report to the Legislature: shoreline erosion control and public beach programs. Asm. Laurie Davies (2023-2024) SB-1224 Watersheds: wildlife habitat: Counties of Orange and San Diego.(2021-2022) Transportation: SB 760 Senator Pat Bates State highways: State Route 241: reduction. (2021-2022) SB 761 Senator Pat Bates Public resources: City of San Clemente: road construction.(2021-2022) SB 1373 Senator Pat Bates State highways: State Route 241: reduction. (2019-2020) AB 1273 Assemblyman Bill Brough County of Orange: joint exercise of powers agreements: toll roads. (2019-2020) AB382 Assemblyman Rocky Chavez County of Orange: joint exercise of powers agreements: toll roads. (2017-2018) Save Boca del Canon submitted public comment Fri, Dec 16, 2022, 2:07 PM Save Trafalgar Canyon submitted public comment Petitions signed: NO Toll Roads Through South OC, which includes San Onofre State Park and Beltway!!! Governor Brown: Dissolve the TCA (Toll Roads) Abolish Orange County TCA, a self-serving bureaucracy, taxation without public benefit. Keep Los Patrones Parkway Free! Don't build a Tollway next to Tesoro High. Save Courtney's Sand Castle---A Park for children with Special needs A forensic audit of the Transportation Corridor Agency Abolish Orange County TCA, a self-serving bureaucracy, taxation without public benefit. NO Toll Roads Through South OC, which includes San Onofre State Park and Beltway!!! Save Jazz Music at the San Clemente Pier No Amazon Warehouse in San Clemente Petition to Reject MemorialCare Senior Housing Project as Proposed. PETITION TO REJECT MEMORIALCARE SENIOR HOUSING PROJECT AS PROPOSED

Photo Courtesy of Barefoot Photography

Photo Gallery

Welcome to my photo gallery. This is selection of various photos taken of me engaging in San Clemente affairs, working to make life better, or similar endeavors.

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