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Endorsed by Ret. Senator Pat Bates

"As a California State Senator, I worked alongside many passionate and intelligent individuals strongly committed to safeguarding the Constitutional rights of citizens as they relate to their government and their community stakeholders.  Amanda stands out as one of these people.  I am certain Amanda Quintanilla will be a strong City Council leader and representative . . . "

"Her dedication and commitment to advance common sense solutions, and inspiring residents to be engaged in the governmental process, “of, by & for the people" strongly resonated with me. During my term she became a point of contact on broader South County issues, such as the growth of the homeless and their related issues, including substance abuse, and mental illness.  She always provided honest, thorough, balanced, and concise information."

Jim Hamilton

Amanda Quintanilla requests your vote in the upcoming San Clemente City Council election.  This area is the newly formed District 3.  We have the opportunity to be actively represented by Amanda.  Amanda has lived here her whole life.   


Amanda is an activist who has improved this community by taking local actions both physically and politically.  She is active in the garden club planting plants, caring for gardens and plantings throughout this town.  Amanda volunteers with many community activities.  


Amanda represents the community by speaking up at city council and many other meetings.  She is well prepared, knowledgeable, and interested in making and maintaining this community in common interests.  She is an active neighbor who is willing to take on an expanded  leadership role.  Vote for Amanda Quitanilla to represent District 3. 

Gail Elizabeth

Thank you for your long time commitment to preserving San Clemente’s historical small town vibe. Your dedication to our public gardens, stopping the toll road from tearing through the middle of town, maintaining new building height limits and many many other important issues, has been so impressive. There aren’t many people who have been as dedicated to preserving this City to the depths that you have gone. Thank you for all that you do Amanda Quin!!

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Endorsed by Fmr. Mission Viejo Mayor Rhonda Reardon

"Amanda has distinguished herself among many fellow Orange County residents with her deep passion for her community, advocacy for common sense solutions, and dedication to government transparency. While seeing Amanda be involved with grassroots organizations, she strongly advocated for what fellow residents wanted for their community. She accomplished this by speaking before various local government agencies, city council meetings, commission/committee meetings, and at public forums."

"Through her institutional knowledge of San Clemente, extensive research, and preparedness, she is able to have sensible solutions to resolve issues. Through her advocacy she has developed a good rapport with San Clemente city staff, the San Clemente city manager, and various elected representatives."

"She is able to discern the best interests for the community through her knowledge of issues and the history of her city, as well as point of contact amongst the residents. Amanda has demonstrated leadership in her commitment in advocating for Constitutional rights and fighting against restrictions on those rights. She places the interests of the community as a priority before her own rights for the betterment of her town."

Michelle Schumacher

San Clemente - Amanda is on the ballot for San Clemente City Council ! She is passionate and shows up and attended many many many many meetings to fight the toll roads. She is educated on issues for our city and will 100 percent of the time vote for residents and our city. Unlike several of the special interest backed candidates Amanda would listen to you! Check out her candidate page! Thank you Amanda for being so engaged and ready to serve.

Laura Smith

I think we do need to vote for the candidate that is capable of serving on council and has shown a willingness by being involved for many years. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Amanda Quintanilla with others together in our grassroots efforts to help stop the toll road from coming thru our town! She would show up and speak at many meetings write countless letters and meet with leaders! There’s also been other projects not suited for our city that she’s been at the forefront to help stop such as Amazon. There are many more things but too many to name here! She is very knowledgeable about city business and will often point things out when necessary to keep our city the San Clemente that we love and I want to point out that this is done on her own time and for many years not just election year!



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